Welcome to Fit at 50. I started this blog to document my journey to be Fit at 50. I was super healthy in my teens but late nights and fun times in my 20s and 30s took a toll. In my 40s I try to balance busy work life, socialising, being a husband and dad, while squeezing in some time to keep fit.
Over the years I’ve spent time with some great personal trainers, nutritionists and martial arts coaches. Poor fitness isn’t due to a lack of knowledge but rather a lack of application. Part of the reason for this blog is to hold myself to account and share some of the tips I pick up along the way.
Make no mistake, I’m not an expert but I will find contributors who are to share some practical advice.
Fit at 50 will explore dietary and fitness advice and try to filter some of the bro-science that permeates the web.